[Renewed] AN serum ingredients
Some of the ingredients in AN serum have been changed. We decided to exclude two ingredients from the raw material at the request of the customer to remove the Witch Hazel component and the Eucalyptus Globulus Leaf It has been changing sequentially since 2021. Look at the ingredients below for more information about the ingredients that change. [INGREDIENTS] *Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Extract,Propanediol,Arbutin,Niacinamide,Glycerine,1,2-Hexanediol,Sodium Hyaluronate,Dipotassium Glycyrrhizate,Allantoin,*Hamamelis... -
[Renewed] VA serum ingredients
Some of the ingredients in VA serum have been changed. We decided to exclude two ingredients from the raw material at the request of the customer to remove the Witch Hazel component and the Eucalyptus Globulus Leaf It has been changing sequentially since 2021. Look at the ingredients below for more information about the ingredients that change. [ ingredients ] Propanediol(hydration, Non GMO Corn),*Aloe Barbadensis... -
[NZ] Information.
This product has a high content of 20% niacinamide, so it feels sticky. 나이아신아마이드 20%의 고함량 제품으로, 끈적임이 있습니다. So please use only a small amount. A small amount is enough. 따라서, 소량만 사용해주세요. 소량으로도 충분합니다. If you don't like the sticky feeling, you can mix a small amount of serum with the cream. 끈적이는 느낌이 싫다면, 크림단계에서 세럼을 크림과 소량 섞어 사용해도 좋습니다.... -
[Q&A] I'm a pregnant woman, is it okay to use this cosmetics?
It can be used except RS (Retinol) serum.RS (레티놀) 세럼을 제외하면 사용 가능합니다.Cos De BAHA products are made from safe ingredients used in general cosmetics. However, For highly sensitive children and pregnant women, perform a skin patch test before use, and use only small amounts. 코스드바하는 화장품 전반에 사용되는 안전한 원료로 사용하지만, 민감도가 높은 어린이나 임산부의 경우 사용 전 패치 테스트를 진행 후 사용하고... -
S2 : salicylic acid & Betaine Salicylate
Cos De BAHA has the best formula in two combinations: salicylic acid and Betaine Salicylate.코스드바하는 살리실산과 베타인 살리실산, 두 원료의 조합으로 최적의 효과를 갖습니다.Betaine Salicylate work the same way as Salicylic acid.But Betaine Salicylate is a more stable ingredient and less irritating. 베타인 살리실산은 살리실산과 동일한 역할을 하지만 좀 더 안정적이고 자극이 적습니다.So the S2 of Cos De BAHA is more stable and less...